Latest Episodes

Lindsey Borchard: Pricing as an Interior Designer
The thing design school will never teach you is what to charge. Today’s episode of The Interior Collective is all about pricing as an...

Gail Davis: Redefining Traditional Style
Today on The Interior Collective, we’re reframing the definition of Traditional Interiors. What has predominantly been a white, euro-centric definition of traditional design is...

Jake Arnold: How He Started Landing Dream Clients
Show notes linked here. Landing dream projects with ample budgets can feel out of reach. AD 100 Interior Designer and Co-Founder of The Expert,...

Clara Jung: Client Service Quality with Team Growth
As a follow up to Episode 2, The Interior Collective is breaking down how to maintain that perfect client process as your team (and...

Kelli Lamb: How to Get Published in Both Print + Digital
Unpopular opinion - digital press can actually be MORE valuable than print press these days for interior designers. While being published in the pages...

Anastasia Casey: Perfecting Your Client Process
Season 1 | Episode 2 Anastasia Casey: Perfecting Your Client Process SHOW NOTES No process is more important as an interior designer than your...