The Proven Power of Saying Yes With Audrey Scheck

Episode 11 January 24, 2025 01:07:30
The Proven Power of Saying Yes With Audrey Scheck
The Interior Collective
The Proven Power of Saying Yes With Audrey Scheck

Jan 24 2025 | 01:07:30


Show Notes

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Welcome to another episode of The Interior Collective podcast - a podcast for the business of beautiful living! Today, we're diving into a fascinating conversation with one of Austin's most sought-after interior designers and someone who has truly transformed my life, Audrey Scheck. You know, we often hear the advice to say "no" to many things to make room for the right ones. But Audrey has taken a different path—one that embraces a resounding "yes" to projects of all sizes.

As the founder and principal designer of Audrey Scheck Design, Audrey has built an incredible reputation for transforming residential and commercial spaces into warm, inviting environments. Her projects are a testament to her unique approach, blending diverse materials and the charm of both old and new to create designs that are not just beautiful but also deeply livable.

Audrey’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. From her childhood days watching her parents build their dream home in rural Texas to remodeling her own home in Los Angeles, she has always had a passion for design. Now, after moving back to Texas in 2020, she's established herself as a leading designer, with her work featured in esteemed publications like Martha Stewart, Better Homes & Gardens, and Forbes.

What I find particularly special about Audrey is her genuine networking ability and her generous spirit. What began as a simple "can I buy you lunch?" inquiry has blossomed into one of my closest friendships. Her approach to saying yes—not just to projects but to people—has not only propelled her business forward but has also enriched her life and the lives of those around her.

When I was deep in the weeds growing IDCO Studio and The Interior Collective, I was a definite homebody with a false sense of community via my remote team and Instagram friendships. I’d developed a notable level of social anxiety and thought I was perfectly content. After Audrey invited me to lunch, she instantly invited me to a small girl group of fellow designers and artists - with the likes of Claire Brody and Aileen Fitzgerald for monthly dinner dates. That group, and Audrey’s friendship, changed my life. Audrey refused to let us make excuses for getting together, and made sure we were all, always included. I can say with certainty that Audrey Scheck absolutely changed my life and helped turn me into a more confident, healthy person who can balance and prioritize both digital friendships and friendships in real life as well.

In this episode, we'll explore how Audrey’s mindset of inclusivity and opportunity has shaped her business and her team, leading to remarkable success in such a short time. We'll also discuss how embracing all types of projects has led to her rapid growth and how she navigates the sometimes-competitive landscape of interior design with a collaborative spirit.

So, join us as we learn from Audrey’s journey and discover how saying "yes" can lead to extraordinary transformations in both our businesses and our relationships.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign hi, and welcome back to another episode of the Interior Collective, a podcast for the business of beautiful living. Today we are diving into a fascinating conversation with one of Austin's most sought after interior designers and someone who has truly transformed my life, Audrey Scheck. You know, we often hear advice that says you have to say no to many things to make room for the right ones. But Audrey has taken a totally different path, one that embraces a resounding yes to projects of all sizes. As the founder and principal designer of Audrey Scheck Design, Audrey has an incredible reputation for transforming residential and commercial spaces into warm, inviting environments. Her projects are a testament to her unique approach, blending diverse materials and the charm of both old and new to create designs that are not just beautiful, but also deeply livable. Audrey's journey has been nothing short of inspiring. From her childhood days watching her parents build their dream home in rural Texas, to remodeling her own home in la, she's always had a passion for design, but now, after moving back to Texas in 2020, she's established herself as a leading designer with her work featured in esteemed publications like Martha Stewart, Better Homes and Gardens, and Forbes. What I find particularly special about Audrey, though, is her genuine networking ability and her generous spirit. What began as a simple can I buy you lunch? Inquiry has blossomed into one of my closest friendships of my life. Her approach to saying yes, not just to projects, but to people, has not only propelled her business forward, but it's also enriched her life and the lives around her. When I was knee deep in the weeds growing Ideco Studio and the Interior Collective, I was absolutely a total homebody. With this false sense of community via my remote team and Instagram friendships, I developed a notable level of social anxiety and still thought I was perfectly content. But after Audrey had invited me to that first lunch, she instantly invited me to join a small girl group of fellow designers and artists with the likes of Claire Brody and Eileen Fitzgerald for monthly dinner dates. That group and Audrey's friendship changed my life. Audrey refused to let us make excuses for getting together and made sure we were all always included. I can say with certainty that Audrey Scheck absolutely changed my life and helped turn me into a more confident, healthy person who can balance and prioritize both digital friendships and friendships in real life as well. In today's episode, we're going to explore Audrey's mindset of inclusivity and opportunity and how it's helped shape her business and her team, leading to remarkable success in such a short time. We'll also discuss how embracing all types of projects has led to her rapid growth and how she navigates the sometimes competitive landscape of interior design with a collaborative spirit. So join us as we learn from Audrey's journey and discover how saying yes can lead to extraordinary transformations in both our businesses and our relationships. We are so excited to invite you to dive deeper into the Interior Collective. Podcast Episodes now on Patreon unlock access to in depth analysis, helpful downloads and worksheets created with each podcast episode. Subscribers gain behind the scenes access to additional resources like examples and screenshots of guest spreadsheets, construction documents, and so much more. Your subscription also gets you immediate access to our private community of interior designers and our team of industry experts ready to answer your questions. Subscribe [email protected] the Interior Collective or linked in the show Notes. Join the Interior Collective Patreon community and let's continue this conversation. Hey Audrey, and welcome to the Interior Collective. I'm so excited to have you here today. It is long overdue, but also perfectly timed because I think everyone is going to be so impressed and surprised that you have built what you have built in just barely four years. And so I think it makes sense that you had to get your licks for a couple years before we had you on the show, but now I'm like, okay, it is proof of concept. And now let's dig into exactly how she did it. [00:04:12] Speaker B: Well, thank you for having me. What an honor. I am so excited to be here chatting with you today. [00:04:17] Speaker A: I have a ton of questions to get through today, but I think what makes your episode special is that I just obviously personally know you. You're absolutely my dearest friend. But I can just see that the way that you run your business is also how you run your friendships and your personal life and it carries through in every aspect of your life so, so, so organically. And so today's topic is really talking about the power of saying yes. I wanted to focus on this topic today because I think there's been a lot of episodes we've recorded with brilliant designers whose advice has been you have to say no to the wrong projects in order to make room for the right projects. And I think that that is absolutely an avenue that makes sense and works for some people, but I really want other designers to know that that's not the only way. So I'd love to dig into it and get started. So you've embraced projects of all sizes, from large scale new builds to single day styling sessions. How has this approach shaped the trajectory of your business in Austin over the past three and four years, it really. [00:05:28] Speaker B: Allowed us to expand our network quickly and to get to know local vendors and artisans who have become an essential piece of the puzzle. So once those relationships are established, it really becomes mutually beneficial. We can't do our job without trustworthy vendors who are producing great work, and then they often have clients who need designers. So I realized early on that it was a win win. And simultaneously it allowed us to showcase the adaptability, to build trust within the Austin community. I think that from the onset, people could feel that we really lead with an eagerness to help people, which is still true three years later. [00:06:08] Speaker A: I am so curious if at the beginning, when you first started, which was like, January of 2020, is that right? 2021. Okay, perfect. January 2021, saying yes to a powder bath and you were saying yes to a whole home furnishing only and you would help someone just pick out tile, did that come out of a place of necessity as well as fitting your ethos of like, I genuinely just want to help people? Was there a point when you were like, I need to take these jobs because, like, we need the billable hours. [00:06:43] Speaker B: So saying yes never really felt like a strategy per se. It was a genuine, deep desire to help people. And growing up, my grandma Helen always advised us to not live with regrets, and that just always stuck with me. I live my life thinking that I would rather regret trying and failing than not trying at all. So why not just say yes and try? At the very least, you'll be able to learn a lot. And having that mentality allowed me to learn really quickly what's working, how can we improve the process, and where's the ROI coming from so that we can continue to grow? [00:07:21] Speaker A: One thing I definitely feel here in the Austin design community in particular, a it's pretty small. Considering we're the 11th largest city in the country. I am still surprised that we don't have the saturation of designers that New York or LA does, even on like a scalable context. And I think that the really, really wonderful designers who have been here for a while definitely don't have that same yes mentality. They're definitely focused on X number of projects per, and it's definitely going to be either a full remodel and furnishing and styling, or maybe it'll be a new build project as well. How do you feel like your practice of saying yes, even if it's not an intentional? I'm always going to say yes and it's a very natural, organic step for you. How do you think that that's helped carve out your reputation in Austin? [00:08:17] Speaker B: I think that it's really just, it's differentiated us. Like you said, a lot of designers have worked for other designers and have adopte adapted that mentality. And I always say that this, this business in this industry really found me. It's not something that I studied or practiced. I have a degree in advertising and worked in ad sales for many years before I, you know, found that corporate burnout that so many people experience and just pivoted into my hobby, which was design. And so I went into it really just with an open mind and a willingness and an eagerness to dive in and learn. I didn't have a preconceived sense set of notions about how it was supposed to happen. And I had clients before I even had a name for my business. And I was just, you know, saying yes to helping people because I just wanted to help them. And honestly. And I still feel this way. I feel so honored that I get to help people and that, you know, investing in your home is such a personal, intimate investment in your life. It's where you spend most of your time. It's where, you know, core memories are being formed. And it's just such an important piece of our lives. And I feel really honored that I get to be a part of that. And I. And so I take it so seriously. And from the very beginning, even before I launched asd, I had people asking for help and I just felt so eager to help them that I said yes. And I didn't even have a company established. So, you know, I am really grateful that I have a background in corporate America because I think a lot of that skill set lends itself into the day to day practice of running a business. And I'm glad that I didn't go into it feeling like I had to say no unless it was perfect. [00:09:57] Speaker A: Can you back us up a little bit? For those who don't know your story, talk to me about how you had clients before you even had a business, because that sounds amazing and I feel like some people might also be rolling their eyes. What do you mean by that? And how, how did that happen? [00:10:12] Speaker B: So I'm an open book. I love to share and I'm a people person. And so I was just sharing about my. My own house and we were living in Los Angeles. I had been burnt out from corporate America, so I stepped away and was just dabbling with little projects around own house. And then we Decided to move to Austin, bought a house sight unseen during the pandemic. And I was just sharing about what I was doing at our house. And then, you know, friends and friends of friends started asking for help. So I came up with an hourly rate, and they were venmoing me, and I was. I was just doing it for fun because, you know, I was. People were asking for help. And mind you, I had two little kids and was working on my own home, and I didn't necessarily have the bandwidth to be helping people. I definitely didn't have the process in place to be servicing them in the way that we do now. But I even back then, had that genuine desire to just help them. And I enjoyed it, too. So, of course it felt fun for me. And so I was just sharing about my hobby, essentially, and people were leaning into that and asking for help. And so it just organically evolved into, oh, I'm helping five people, and they're venmoing me, and I need help because I don't have the time to do all this by myself. And I should probably come up with a name for the business, and people probably shouldn't be venmoing me random amounts of money. [00:11:30] Speaker A: I remember our first date when you had asked me to lunch. And I, in full transparency, I get a lot of invitations to coffee and lunch. People ask me all the time, and I just can't always make it happen. And your invitation felt super organic. And honestly, I feel like there was something. I think you also offered your nightstands to me that I had inquired about on. On either Facebook or Instagram. And I was like, well, that seems like a fair trade. I'm gonna get two nightstands out of it and lunch. So we went and had lunch at the Peacock here at the Proper in Austin. And I remember you telling me that you kept everything in a spreadsheet, which you still do, but that people were venmoing me. And I had about a. I. I had a small heart attack. And we launched into lots of discussion about how to get your systems and processes in place. And what's wild is that was just three and a half years ago. That was the end of January. I believe that we first met up back in 2021. So in your experience, would you say that tackling smaller projects, saying yes to someone who's like, I really. We're ready to do our powder bath. Maybe our entry, how. How do those help contribute to gaining larger, more substantial projects? And do you have any specific examples that you're willing to share of how those small projects did evolve into bigger opportunities. [00:13:02] Speaker B: Yes. I still believe that those smaller projects have been our biggest gateways into building client trust, retaining clientele, and then earning referrals from those people. So, you know, that mentality has definitely allowed us to transition in that way into larger projects because of the work that we did with people who we were willing to say yes to smaller projects with. And then simultaneously, that let us be able to build a team by always having a steady stream of clients and business to sustain the overhead of hiring people. And then at the same time, you're also building a network of people every time you're working on a new project. So you're getting to know new vendors, new makers, architects, mill workers, artists. All of that is growing with each project. So even our smallest, first projects, like you mentioned, one powder bathroom or one small home office, allowed me to meet new people and get to know different people who I could then lean into when I needed to accomplish something at the next project, which oftentimes was a bit larger than the first project. And. And that's still true today. So many of our clients will start with something small, and then it snowballs into, well, that went really well, and that was fun. I'd been wanting to do that forever. I just didn't know how to get started. And, you know, they lean on us, and we're able to help them in a way where they're accomplishing something. And ideally we're, you know, staying within their time frame, working through their priorities in a way that feels right to them, staying in budget. And once they see that that all comes to fruition easily, then it will snowball into other projects that are typically larger than the one that they started with. Also, most of our clients have never worked with a designer before, so we're working with people who are like, I'm going to ease into this with something small and attainable and see how it goes, which I totally understand. And then most of the time, whenever, you know, it goes well, they're like, oh, I also have this that I, you know, I want to work on as well. So it's just been a really natural progression. [00:15:00] Speaker A: I think that that's an important thing to clarify. Talk to us about who your target client really you found to be. And you just mentioned a lot of them haven't worked with a designer before, which is, again, a different perspective than a lot of the guests we've had on the show where they've worked with designers before, and they're just now in a new home. Or maybe they've even worked together already before. Talk to me about, like, kind of where your sweet spot is when it comes to your perfect dream project, as well as who that client is that's coming to you. [00:15:31] Speaker B: Oh, gosh. It changes so often, and I feel. I feel eager to help everyone. And I think that my. My dream client is. Has so many different legs, if you will. At the core, the easiest answer for me is, is a kind person, because I am a people person, and this becomes a very intimate relationship, like I mentioned earlier. So ideally, we are working with a kind, good person who values and respects what we're doing, because, of course, we're giving that same respect back to them, and we want them to value and respect our vendors, who we adore and rely on to execute the end product in their home. So a kind, reasonable, understanding person who trusts us and our team first and foremost, if their aesthetic preferences are very aligned with our core aesthetic, then, I mean, even better, that's great, because, of course, a big piece of this puzzle is being able to produce portfolio work that will attract more people to your business. But a lot of our clients come to us and say, your portfolio is beautiful, but my style is very different than that. And so I would say that three and a half years in one thing that we find ourselves saying yes to that other designers might not, is yes. Even if your aesthetic isn't exactly like ours. Yes. We still want to help you. I still feel that we're a good fit because you're a good person, and we are. We're going to drive really well together, and we will lean into studying your esthetic and making sure that we deliver exactly what you're looking for. Of course, you know, following our own process and our expert guidance as a design team to. To blend things together in a way that will feel right for them in their home. So we're not pushing our esthetic on anyone. We're also, of course, realizing that it's a luxury to hire a design designer, and they. They want our advice and need our help. And so oftentimes, we'll help them establish what their aesthetic preferences even are and then helping get them through the process in a way that. That fits that and that still feels really elevated and beautiful because they've invested in their home and working with the designers. So we want the end product to feel reminiscent of that. [00:17:40] Speaker A: I am wondering, we're going to get into how you've built your team so strategically and so swiftly, honestly, a little later in the show, but I am Curious from your perspective, how your team ensures that exceptional level of customer service for all your clients, regardless of the project size. I feel like in my own creative studio of a small project can be harder to follow your set, established process when it moves quicker and it's not, as you know, it's not going to take two years start to finish. How are you making sure that everyone's receiving that same level of customer service and the same level of process oriented design that you're really known for? [00:18:23] Speaker B: I say being flexible because yes, we do still follow that same process like you mentioned generally, but of course things do get adjusted. And so our dedication to the client and the end goal is always at the forefront, no matter what we're helping them with. Communication is key. We hear time and time again that our clients really value how communicative and responsive our team is, even if we don't always have an answer right away. Clients know that we're there for them. We're in this with them. We're a team. And to your point, sometimes things have to pivot because it is smaller and faster and it, you know, you don't need this grand production. And so we have been able to tailor our offering in a way where it can become more attainable or faster if it needs to be. So a lot of our projects now will start as consultations. So I'll do one on one consultations with people. I'm not, you know, throwing the project to the larger team and making them go through this stringent process. I am just doing consultations one on one, as much as I can. And then oftentimes, once we get to a certain point, they will evolve into a full service design client with a larger team involved. But I have really found that I love that personal connection with people upfront and early on. And it gives us beyond the complimentary discovery phone call, it gives us an opportunity to test the waters even more in person or virtually together, one on one, me and them, before we dive into something together. So just being flexible and creating new offerings, things that feel right and I just don't ever feel like I'm pigeonholed into this is what we offer. This is the process. This has to be a yes and this has to be a no. Rather I still just feel so excited that I get to do this and that I get to learn and evolve and it just all feels so surreal still. And I just don't feel like I have to be backed into a corner of this is the way that it has to be because that's how it was at the last firm I worked at or that, you know, I just, I'm open to being flexible. [00:20:19] Speaker A: I'm curious about those consultations that you yourself are taking. Thinking, can I ask what are. And I know that pricing changes all the time. By the time this airs, it's probably a different number. But like what are you charging for a consultation like that? Which I'm assuming is kind of similar to like an expert session like that, sort of either virtual or in person hour, two hour long. How are those structured? What do you charge? Cause I'm just curious how do those end up being a profitable use of your time when you are the face of the company and you're the person who's going off to do these one or two hour meetings gigs. [00:20:52] Speaker B: We started with them matching our hourly rate and then realized that there was a lot more work going into it than that one hour of consultation. And so we now have increased our hourly rate. It's not quite double our hourly rate, but I'd say it's like one and a half times our hourly rate so that I can make sure I allocate time in my day to do proper education and looking through all of their notes and photos and being really prepared just like I would with with you know, a consultation on a platform like expert or tolled, like you mentioned. So it's about one and a half times our standard hourly rate for the upfront education and the actual consultation. And then if it's in person, we just add a travel fee onto that. So our Travel fee is $75 for anything that's further than a 20, 20 mile radius from our office in South Austin. And then our hourly rate is $250 an hour. So you know, we typically will do the math and figure out, you know, all the moving parts, how long is take for the upfront education. If obviously if it's going to be a consultation longer than an hour, we would plan on that. Let, let the clients know upfront what the rate is about how long we think it would take if you want it to be in person. Here's what that extra fee is so that they can make the decision on what feels right to them. [00:22:06] Speaker A: Got it. And just so I'm tracking this correctly, you are charging the 250. Let's just say that it's a flat hour consultation to keep the math simple. But you have that pre, pre consultation education that you're working on. So it ends up being like 1.75 hours. Are you charging them for that? You know extra 45 minutes of education you're doing beforehand or you're saying you're charging one and a half times your hourly rate for the consultation to cover that pre education as well. [00:22:36] Speaker B: Correct that that's the case. So we'll just we'll quote them a flat fee and let them know, you know the the consultation will be an hour. I will come prepared and I also send a recap email after them whether they're in person or virtual. So it's fully inclusive of all three upfront education, the actual consultation and a follow up. [00:22:56] Speaker A: It only takes one red flag client to remind us how important an ironclad contract can be as an interior designer. And that's why we've teamed up with attorney Alice Sawaki, who specializes in working with creatives to develop a comprehensive, easy to use service agreement specifically for in person full service interior design projects. Our Interior Design Surface Agreement covers every detail you might need from scope of work and payment terms to client conduct and intellectual property. It even includes guidance for working with third party contractors, managing procurement, handling damages and more. With this contract, you can ensure that both you and your clients are clear of execution expectations, costs and responsibilities, helping you avoid misunderstandings and protecting your work. Once you purchase, you receive a fully editable document in both Google Docs and Microsoft Word with clear highlighted prompts to customize each section to fit your particular project or business model. And for those of you offering virtual design services, we also have a virtual Design Service agreement to keep you protected in a similar way specific to those display distance design projects. As a quick note, while these contracts were developed with legal guidance, they're intended as framework and are best reviewed by a lawyer in your state. You can find the link to purchase in the show notes or visit IDcode Studio directly. And don't forget, you can Always use code podcast15for15OFF sitewide while we're talking numbers, you know I always like to amaze. [00:24:31] Speaker B: We can get into it. [00:24:32] Speaker A: Smaller projects often obviously have tighter budgets and shorter timelines. How are you, how do you and how are you making these projects profitable while still delivering a quality result? I mean, I feel like a lot of designers look at like okay, someone's going to have $250,000 for their furnishing spend and that has to include the design fee. So they're like yes, that's going to be profitable. But when you're talking about just an entryway or just a home office, that percentage might be the same, but it's a much smaller number that you're Pulling from. So coach us through how you've proven this to be a financially viable option to say yes to small projects as well. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Right. So early education has become crucial, making sure that clients know what to expect. So we are constantly analyzing past projects to understand budget expectations and making sure that we're aligned on the, the scope and the budget and priorities with our clients at the onset. If they can't do everything immediately within the parameters of their budget, we'll help them develop a strategy to phase things out. But whenever someone inquires through our website, we send them an investment guide that goes through construction and furnishing the very first touch point that they have with us is a realistic upfront education about the reality of what things cost. And I think I've shared that with you before so that they can see, you know, the all in numbers. Whenever you're looking at, you know, investing in a design firm, whether that's on a simple consultation basis or a full blown full service design team, plus any labor costs, material costs, you know, they have all of those numbers at the onset and sometimes that means someone might open that attachment and then never email us back, and that's okay. The goal is that we go into each project with a very clear outline so that we're not ending up in a situation, like you mentioned, where someone might not have an understanding of what they're going to be able to get with a smaller budget. And so for us, that's meant maybe this person can't afford full service design and everything that they're looking for, but maybe I can consult them along the way. If they're willing to do more of the heavy lifting with project management and sourcing, I can come in as a consultation partner and help them get to the finish line within the parameters of their budget. So again, I think it goes back to that flexibility of wanting to help people and feeling like, okay, let's look at this together. Here's the reality of where the numbers are at. What, what's your budget? And really just brainstorming with them and ideating on a phone call like, how can we help you get there? And I, I truly just want to help everyone. And my team jokes all the time, like, you know, you say yes too much, like, how are you going to be able to do this? How are you going to be able to do consultations? And I'm like, I'll find the time. I want to help people. You really matters to me. I really don't take it for granted that people are coming to us because they, they want and oftentimes need help. And most of our clients are busy, right? They're, they're working, they have kids, they're managing a household, and they're not in the design world every day. And I can put myself in their shoes and really feel that, you know, if you're in that situation and you're not in it every day, it is very overwhelming. And if I can step in and spend an hour of my time helping them accomplish something, then how lucky am I? I feel so grateful that I get to do that. [00:27:53] Speaker A: Talk to me also about like, cash flow. Because, you know, if you're a designer who has, let's say, four to six projects a year that you're managing that end up taking, you know, they roll over to be two year, two or three year projects, there's definitely ebbs and flows and like when your hours are billable and when they're not. So how do these smaller projects kind of help, help maintain that when you're carrying a pretty hefty, in your case, payroll load to ensure that there is always cash coming in, even if you're in the build phase and your billable hours just aren't that much, or you're in the procurement phase and you're not billing hourly because you're just billing a flat percentage, et cetera. [00:28:33] Speaker B: I love that question, and I feel like I have learned so much about that and how to capitalize on different streams of revenue at different phases in a project or with different sizes of projects. So oftentimes in a smaller project where we might not have as much opportunity for, you know, revenue on an hourly basis through our design team, likely we will then lean into the margin of revenue that we'll be able to capitalize on through procurement of furnishings. So if I'm consulting with someone on their entryway, you know, we'll help them find the pieces and then either handle the procurement for them or if it's even smaller than that, and, you know, we're just sending them links to things and they're purchasing on their own, we'll send them an affiliate link. So at least at the bare minimum, we're earning commission on that, you know, through affiliate marketing and, you know, referral links. So I'd say just having the cognitive awareness of, okay, you know, maybe they don't have the budget for full service design. So we can still capitalize on some revenue through an hourly consultation and provide purchasing, their furnishing and coordinating, you know, even if it's a very small schedule of materials that are arriving. And if that's not going to work, at least we'll earn commission through affiliate marketing and linking. [00:29:48] Speaker A: Okay, talk to me about scheduling then too, because like, I, I, like I said, I just know you so personally as well. Like, it just feels like no never comes up. And we will get into the a little bit later about how and when you decide that a no is actually necessary. But when you have people who are just looking for tile consultation or paint consultation, or maybe it's the styling date. Like, how are you fitting this into your timeline without encroaching on hours that should be dedicated to someone who is doing a full custom build? [00:30:20] Speaker B: Well, thankfully, we have an incredible team and so we have, you know, departments within our firm now where people are very focused on making sure that we have proper bandwidth adjustments at any given moment in time. So we have a full tracker of all of the projects, everyone on the team, which phase the project is in in that exact week, about how much of their time will need to be dedicated to the project that they're working on. So we take that so seriously. And we don't take on full service projects unless we know that the team is in a position to be able to do so. A lot of times people are waiting to be able to work with us in a full service capacity. And I will be able in the interim to say that doesn't mean we can't be doing nothing. We can definitely be, you know, starting to gather your inspiration, honing in on your aesthetic preferences. We'll send them, you know, a place in Dropbox where they can upload imagery or start sharing things with us so that we can just start peeking and getting to know them. And then I do those consultations all the time with people to make sure that we're on the same page. We're, you know, we're moving, moving things along as we are approaching a start date, if they're waiting for an initial walkthrough. So I think just making sure that they know that even though we might be waiting to start things, like, we're still going to be doing something together. And most people genuinely respect the fact that we can't just say yes and start right now. We're saying yes, we definitely want to help you and we're helping other people right now. So we need to wait until our team has the proper bandwidth to be able to do that. And sometimes maybe we'll hire in the meantime and we'll come back to you and say, hey, guess what? Like, actually, we do have the bandwidth now and, and so we're just constantly evolving and adjusting. But I think that being honest and real with people goes a long way and people seem to just respect and value that a lot. So I try to just have a lot of open candor with people and let them know, like the ins and outs of the business and what it's going to look like, what to expect and how we can move the needle. Even if we are waiting. [00:32:20] Speaker A: I'd love for you to break down what you consider your service offerings before we move on to the next set of questions, because I think it's helpful to know what exactly it is you have found at this point to be successful in being able to help people no matter where they're at. [00:32:38] Speaker B: So the consultations with me, that's like the very baseline, say, and if you keep it simple, an hour long consultation, either virtually or in person. And I can do those, you know, I, I can do several of those a week. I, I'm on my phone all the time and that's, you know, know, easy for me to do. And then the next service offering would be full service design with our team. So whether that's for a furnishing project, a construction project, a new build, a mix of all of those typically is the case. Full service design is, you know, what most of our projects fall into. And then virtual design is very similar to full service design in that, you know, we're going through the same process, we're just not there in person together at their home. So we're leaning more into, you know, them providing photos and videos and measurements and we're doing virtual tours with them. And we do travel too. So if it is virtual, we offer a travel package to all of our clients and some of them want us to be there very regularly and others we may never go and visit in person. So, you know, again, the flexibility with each of the packages I think is important. But at the very baseline, there are hourly consultations, full service design and E design. [00:33:51] Speaker A: Have you evolved to the point where you do have some sort of budget minimum that is at least sort of outlined whether you choose to stick to it or not? Have you gotten to the point where you're like, we have to be doing something with at least X amount of dollars or are you still like, I'm super happy to just source and source the tile for your bathroom and come in and style it? [00:34:12] Speaker B: Yes, because you made me have a minimum. [00:34:15] Speaker A: I sure did. [00:34:16] Speaker B: So, yes, for construction projects, we say that the total all in budget for the project can be no less than 50. Because even if you are working on a small bathroom remodel, by the time you look at the analytics and the numbers that we've pulled historically over the last three years, typically, to do any small construction project, by the time you add up labor and materials and the investment with the design team, you're going to be getting close to that anyhow. And then like I mentioned earlier, that snowball effect of like, oh, I also just want to see if they can, you know, swap this light fixture while they're here. Well, then we have to buy that light fixture and we have to pay them to hang that light fixture and we might have to patch the ceiling and, you know, so 50, if construction is involved, is a pretty hard guideline that we stick to if someone is interested in doing any level of construction. [00:35:03] Speaker A: Got it. I'm interested in that data that you've pulled over the last three years of how much things cost, especially as you're starting to do more and more projects. You have a ton of projects in la. I know you've got projects in Arkansas and just even further out in Texas. Are you adjusting the numbers that you're sending out to people in that investment guide based off of their location, or are you like, these are what our numbers are for our historic projects, which are 95% in Austin, but your numbers could be different. [00:35:32] Speaker B: I love that question. And I do tell them when we're on the discovery call that, you know, most of our numbers and data is based on the Austin market. And so, you know, I just have had a discovery call last week with a potential client on the east coast, but it feels like her market is pretty comparable to the Austin market. So I just go into it with that genuine candor of like, this is our historical data. It may be slightly variable in your market. Of course, we can dive into more analytics and looking at the numbers in your market to give you a better sense. But we're pretty deeply involved with our clients through the whole financial portion of a project. So we stay by their side through, like, you know, getting estimates, navigating that priority list that I mentioned earlier, helping them navigate, like, what they're actually going to be able to accomplish by knowing where the numbers are coming in from vendors, what the estimates are looking like, how much budget are they going to need to have allocated for materials, and how much are they going to be investing with our team as their design partner. So we are intimately involved in the, in the financials, but it's like a guideline. I'm like, you know, here are the numbers from mostly the Austin market. If you're in la, obviously it's going to be inflated. If you're in, you know, a smaller area, then it might be even less so. [00:36:44] Speaker A: Yeah, okay, perfect. And when you're talking about your virtual design services or distance design services, how are you maintaining the same quality and attention to detail as the local ones? Like, if you have a client who's like, hey, we're going to opt out of the travel package, we still want to work with you, how are you making sure that things are getting executed really well if you're not even the one who's doing the site visits? [00:37:11] Speaker B: And we'll follow the same process and make sure that, you know, that everything is very clear at the onset of here's the process that we're going to follow. They might already have a relationship with a contractor or someone who's involved. And so there is that certain variable of them realizing that they've chosen that partner and they will be potentially, you know, more involved with project management. But it's all very tailored to. To them. Some of them are introducing us to their GC very early on, and we have an open line of communication with them remotely. And the client might just be copied on that communication as we're going back and forth with the gc, but the client still wants us to manage the project. And so we're still doing that. We just have an open line of communication with the vendor that they've chosen versus a vendor that we might have brought in locally because we work with them so often. So again, it just goes back to that, like being willing to tailor your approach to whatever their situation may be. We also have E design clients who are in markets that we've never worked in, and they don't. They don't know who to work with. And so then we're really like boots on the ground trying to help them find a team of people by leaning into other designers who we know who are there, you know, asking the public, just doing general research of, like, helping them find people. And then, you know, it all goes back to that, like, vibe check, if you will. So we'll say, you know, you get to choose who you want to work with. And our local clients do too. We don't. We don't, you know, push any vendor on anyone ever. So, you know, just meeting them and getting to know them and who do you feel comfortable with? They're going to be in your home. So, you know, you choose whoever you want to work with. But it's very much a process where we're in it with them. Like, we don't ever make it feel like even though we're not there with you, you're going to have to, you know, that's all on you. You're going to have to figure that out. Rather, it's, we can help you find the people. Even if we've never worked in your city, we're happy to help you navigate that process. Because. Because I would want someone to do that for me if I were hiring a designer who didn't live in my town. And, you know, I would want them to feel like I would want to feel like they were just genuinely invested in helping me build the team of people. And again, I guess going back to the people part of it, I am such a people person that that team building, part of the experience of working with a client as a designer is really important to me. Making sure that the client is really confident in the team of people that are coming together to create this beauty in their home. Like, I take that really super seriously. And we have very strong relationships with our vendors here in Austin, and those mean so much to me. And I want our clients to feel the same way. Like, they're hiring us, we're bringing in people, or helping them find people who they feel super good about. [00:39:44] Speaker A: So for someone that you're going to help build a team for, because you don't necessarily have just the recommendations from personal experience, is that something that you're putting into your initial proposal, like you're building in those hours of doing that research? Is that something that's just rolled into hiring you and that's like time and money that you. Your team is eating? Like, how. How are you billing for that? And how is someone justifying. It's worth having someone from out of town? Because I really, really like Audrey. I like her team, I like their portfolio. And so it's worth having someone come in who's going to have to do a little more research up front. [00:40:23] Speaker B: So we would typically just tell them, you know, we'll start with X number of hours. We feel like it will typically take us, you say, five hours to do research, reach out to people, see if they're, you know, if they're accepting new projects right now, if they're even responsive at all. So we would just give them a set number of hours against our standard hourly rate, and then we would keep them in the loop and let them know if we've exhausted that number of hours or maybe we found someone really quickly. And it only took an hour. And great, because we bill hourly exclusively. So, you know, we let them know that at the onset. We will be very clear with you as we move through the process together and letting you know about how long things will take so that they can always be, you know, adjusting and doing the math and knowing what to expect when they receive invoices from QuickBooks every other week. So we, you know, also take a lot of pride in being very transparent with them and letting them know what to expect. So if we were in a situation like you posed, we would just let them know. I think it would take around this many hours. Are you comfortable with that? [00:41:23] Speaker A: Got it. Can we back up you invoice every two weeks? That is so interesting. We often hear it's monthly. I've also often heard designers being like, it's at the end of each phase. How did you come up with two weeks? [00:41:38] Speaker B: I'm trying to remember very initially when people were just venmoing me randomly, I probably was like every two weeks feeling like I don't want more time to go by without them knowing how much they've invested so far. So early on, I remember there was a cadence of bi weekly and we've stuck with that. And, and it still feels right in that, you know, people are receiving those invoices every other week. And in QuickBooks, our team is tracking how much time they spend in 15 minute intervals working on each project. And our invoices outline exactly what we worked on in 15 minute intervals. So there are never any surprises for our clients. And we talk about that a lot with them early on, letting them know that, you know, every two weeks you'll receive the invoice. And as we're working together during those two weeks, you will always know exactly what we're working on and about how long it will take. So it gives our clients the ability to, to decide if there are certain points in the process where they may want us to be more or less involved. So on the, on the design side, that might look like someone wants us to spend more time building more options for a design plan for their kitchen than their kids bedroom. So maybe they want to see five design plan options for their kitchen and one for their kids bedroom. We would let them know. Great. On average, it takes us about this many number of hours to build a design plan for a kitchen. If you're doing the math and you want to see five options, here's how much your invoice will be in the next two weeks for us to build those design plans for your kitchen. And the same is true during project management. Some of our clients have never done construction and don't want to be involved at all. So we are doing a lot of the heavy lifting on the project management side. Other people are in their home and are very comfortable in construction environments and don't need to lean on us as much during project management. So during the very early conversations around budget, we would have scoped things out accordingly, knowing that they would be leaning more into project management. Of course, we still go about the same process of handing over design plans, procuring materials, tracking everything, and handing over SPECs in our IDcode template to the contractor. [00:43:46] Speaker A: So who on your team? We're going to start getting into building a team. But who on your team is handling invoicing every client every two weeks? Because I feel like me just listening to it, I'm like, I don't have time to invoice every two weeks. [00:43:58] Speaker B: So our CFO Brittany does all of our invoicing and she also handles all of our payroll. Anything financial goes through Britney, who offers bookkeeping services and full CFO services to designers. [00:44:12] Speaker A: Perfect. So Brittany's handling all of that. When you're, Is it like for instance, is everybody on the same two week schedule so the first Friday of the month and then the third Friday of the month, or is it based on like when their project got started? So Britney's actually sending out invoices probably a lot more frequently than technically every two weeks. [00:44:33] Speaker B: It is, it's strictly every two weeks. So if, if you started your project and we just, just, you know, ran invoices the week before, you're not going to receive an invoice for another week. So, you know, we don't go back and send invoices at any other time outside of those, you know, two touch points each month. [00:44:52] Speaker A: Got it. And what about for like collecting payment for product and that sort of thing? How does that invoicing system work? [00:44:59] Speaker B: That is all done based on approval. So as soon as they approve a design plan, then our procurement team takes over and puts together an estimate in QuickBooks. And those estimates come separate from any time invoices. And so we let them know you'll be receiving that bi weekly invoice for our time separately. Whenever you're approving design plans, you'll then be working with our procurement team. And material invoices come separate. [00:45:22] Speaker A: Got it. Okay. So to wrap up this concept of saying yes to projects to all the projects and finding a bucket of service that you can serve people, it and meet them kind of wherever they're at. What advice do you have for other designers who are looking to build a similar reputation of accepting projects of varying sizes and scopes? Whether that's because they're just getting started and need to build their portfolio, or because they completely align with you and they're like, I just really care about helping people love their spaces. No matter what capacity they're able to take that on. [00:46:01] Speaker B: I think going into it with an open mind and knowing that even if it's not your perfect aesthetic alignment with a client, the opportunity to lean in and network and, you know, maybe that client will lead to them referring you to another client. Maybe the contractor that you work with has a client who really needs a designer, you know, who knows? I think going into it with an open mind is a really beneficial mentality because you just never know where those relationships with the client and with vendors might lead you. Also, you know, there's so much that goes into creating a project that maybe you will end up sourcing tile from a tile maker that you really love, and you get to forage a relationship there and introduce that in another project later on down the line. You just don't know unless you give yourself that opportunity to say yes to learning. [00:46:55] Speaker A: Do you have any specific advice if you were going to take this approach when it comes to billing? For instance, do you advise it really should be done hourly because a small project can turn into a bigger project, or the scope changes? Or I'm just like, how do you protect yourself from those smaller projects that should be a quick one and done kind of situation that ends up getting drug out? And maybe you feel like you aren't being compensated fairly or you haven't budgeted your scheduling correctly to accommodate how that project has grown. [00:47:30] Speaker B: I love this topic and could do a. Do a whole separate podcast episode just on this. But we have always done hourly billing and have never looked back because to your point, I know a lot of designers who feel that exact way, like, oh, gosh, I didn't realize this was going to come up. And now they've already agreed to this proposal with this flat fee, and I can't charge them for my time, even though I. You didn't know this was going to take so much time. So we just take the approach of being really open and honest with our clients. So, you know, here's where we're at with things. Here's about what we expect it to cost. If it's going to fall outside of that, we'll let you know. And give you the option to decide how you want to tailor this experience. So I feel like it's mutually beneficial in that we don't have to spend a ton of time building these really complex proposals and trying to ideate on what could happen, what might not happen. Rather, we go into it knowing that we're going to be a flexible partner and work with them in a way that feels really fair, honest, and transparent from the get go so that they can decide how much they want to invest with our team. Oftentimes people will realize very quickly how easy it is to work together and how much is getting done. We hear that all the time too. Like, oh, my gosh, like, I've just been sitting on this project forever and you guys just came in and, like, made it happen. And so, so oftentimes people become even more inclined to want to work together in a more broad and deeper capacity than any of us even knew at the beginning. And billing hourly gives us the flexibility to keep adding on or, you know, taking off in the rare instance that, like, they're. They're more inclined to manage something. Like I mentioned earlier. [00:49:05] Speaker A: Yeah, that makes, that makes total sense. I'm wondering if there's a world where it seems like you, you come from a place where, hey, if someone gets to a point in a project that they're like, hey, we've actually run out of budget, we're not going to get as far as furnishing this project, that you're still okay with that and you're happy with that. How do you, like, mentally prepare for that when you're like, man, this project was going to be so gorgeous. Like, this was going to be a huge portfolio piece and now it's not even going to get furnished. [00:49:39] Speaker B: Gosh, I feel like I would just never feel that way. Like, if someone didn't. If someone didn't have the funds to like, quote, unquote, complete a project in a way that I felt would be portfolio worthy, I would, I would just feel like, so that's not part of our portfolio, but like, we still got to help them do all those other things and how great, you know? And maybe they'll come back later and we'll be able to do furnishing and maybe we'll photograph it then and maybe we won't, who knows, you know? But I just don't ever go into it feeling like it has to be a certain way by the time we're done working together. I guess I just always have this mentality of we're just gonna Be we're just gonna work together to figure this out in a way that feels right for both of us. [00:50:18] Speaker A: So let's talk about team, because, yeah, three and a half years in, you have a large, ever, ever changing, ever growing, ever improving team of dynamic, incredible women. Talk us through how this approach has helped to. To build that and why the team really is what keeps this say yes mentality possible. [00:50:43] Speaker B: So, you know, hiring has been such a fun journey for me. I think that that say yes mentality, like I mentioned earlier, is something that just. It. It comes very easily to me, and I feel very genuine about, yes, I want to help you. And that yes mentality has evolved over three and a half years into, yes, I want to give you an opportunity to work in the design business. And yes, we have enough work. I'm so grateful for that, to be able to keep hiring. So that desire to say yes and to help people has grown beyond wanting to help clients and now into a way that I've again, just feel so grateful for where I'm able to be like, yes, I. I want to be able to bring you into our team and to help you have a career in design. And so saying yes to smaller projects gives us the opportunity to say yes to hiring more people. Because I learned very quickly that if you hire the right people, you can accomplish more. And if you're billing at an hourly rate that's greater than, you know, the ultimate hourly rate that you would be paying someone, whether they're hourly or salary, then you can accomplish more. And I think that doing it that way just continued to allow me to say yes. And looking back over the last three and a half years, it's allowed me to say yes, continue to say yes to small projects, because I also want to be able to say yes to hiring people and giving people an opportunity to work in design. And that feels just as rewarding now like having the team at ASD feels just as rewarding as it felt when I had people venmoing me and I was able to say yes because I just wanted to help them with their home office that they needed during COVID. [00:52:21] Speaker A: Do you feel like, like growing your team has compromised in any way your ability to design? Like, because you're managing such a large team now, do you still feel like you're a designer or are you really happy being a design business owner and you get to design and consult on some things, but you trust your designers to do what they're exceptional at? [00:52:46] Speaker B: It's all of that. I definitely trust them and we have hired really, really talented, hard working females who do great, great work. I could speak about this forever too. I, I have found just as much joy in navigating, establishing and growing a business as I do in the creative output that comes from designing. And I still oversee all of the design work at our firm. So we tell our clients from the very beginning, nothing will ever come to you without me, Audrey, having personally approved it and worked team, you know, worked with our team on that, you know, design plan or whatever it may be. So everything for every project comes through my approval desk before it goes out to a client. So I do still feel very involved in the design side. But of course the day to day navigation of everything that goes into the logistics of any project I am not as involved in, but I know that they are very capable and you know, we have, have, we have a full, a full team that is constantly learning and growing and you know, doing deep historical analytical dives so that we can have better upfront education and we're fine tuning process and fine tuning relationships with the right vendors so that we can be better every single day. And I also personally, if I'm ever feeling like I'm in that creative rut where I just need to get my hands tangibly in something, I will just, just do that in my own home. And I, I come up with projects in my own house that keep me busy personally because I'm also a night owl. I love to be up really late and so if I'm up late, I'm, I'm often working. But if I'm not and I need that moment of reprieve to have like a creative outlet, I will just restyle my kitchen or you know, whatever. I'll find something to do in my own home that gives me that creative outlet. Because I do, I do love that. And you know, I know we've talked about styling sessions which we do locally, like those also give me an opportunity to be in people's homes touching things and actually like working on something creative. If it's not, you know, if it's not at like a certain point in a project that's ready for install necessarily, we offer local styling sessions where we'll go and style people's homes using a mix of things they already have and inventory that we've curated. So those opportunities, things like that, coming up with ways that I can just find a creative outlet does allow me to have that, that, you know, creative freedom and feeling that, you know, we all thrive on as creatives. [00:55:17] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. One last Question before we get into our closing topic, but I'm wondering, can you just break down, tell us how many people are on your team today? And I know that that number does fluctuate and what kind of that corporate structure is so that people get an understanding of, like, okay, to have that many projects going and just say yes to more projects. This is the. This is the woman power, the manpower that is needed to really make it happen. [00:55:42] Speaker B: Yes. So when I started the. The business, I hired within a few months, and she and I were doing everything across every department, if you will. I didn't even know that we had departments back then. But looking back now, I'm like, there were departments and we were doing all of it. So we were doing design, project management, procurement, billing, everything. Now, three and a half years later, we are a team of 15, and we have a new business department where we, you know, are fostering relationships with potential new clients. Then there's a. An entire design team that is led by our coo, who manages the design team. And then there are. There's one technical designer who only does technical work work. All of the other designers manage their own projects and design work. And then there's a finance team. So I mentioned Brittany. Brittany manages our procurement team. And then there is a marketing team. So we have a marketing director. And then there are a few people on the marketing team as well. So finance, marketing, design, and new business. [00:56:50] Speaker A: Got it. Okay. And that is total of how many people? Fifteen. Okay. Okay. So I'm gonna try to get through this without crying because I just, like, love you so much, but I just cannot articulate more wholeheartedly, like, how truly organically wholesome you are in your desire to network and connect people. Like, thinking back to that initial meeting when we went to lunch, I remember hearing your story. You just moved from la. You had been in advertising sales. And I remember leaving that lunch, calling my husband and being like, oh, yeah, she was lovely, but she came from advertising sales. Like, this is very much her shtick, you know? Like, she's. She's meeting. She's meeting a new network, she's in a new city, and that's what it is. And it wasn't. It wasn't even days later where you showed up as a dear personal friend over and over and over again. And you are the most reliable friend I've ever had in my whole life. Life. And I'm so grateful for that. But I also know that I am not the only person on the planet who feels that way. And I feel like almost Anyone who knows you feels that same way as well. Can you give us advice on building an organic network? What are things that are not tactics to you, but someone who isn't as natural and gifted at connecting people could utilize as tactics to start to make those organic relationships with either fellow designers or tradespeople or artists or craftspeople that someone who's maybe more of an introvert can start to implement on their own. [00:58:27] Speaker B: Yes. I love that. And thank you. I, I feel the same way about you. I feel so grateful for our friendship and I. I definitely would not be where I'm at without you and your incredible team. So the feelings are all mutual. And I would say that, that listening is crucial, especially if you're an introverted person who may not thrive on building networks with people in the same way that I have. I think that listening to people, whether it's your client or a vendor, really listening to them and caring about their story, very baseline. Just caring about them as a person who you're either servicing them as a client or you're leaning on their services as to help execute a project. Just listening and getting to know them in a way that doesn't have to feel really extroverted and out there and abundant way. Anything like just not putting pressure on yourself to feel like it has to be any certain way, but rather just just getting to know people and, and caring about their business as much as you care about your own business that you're starting. I think, I think that is just so important and goes a really long way. And the design industry in Austin, I am so grateful, is so kind and supportive and warm and so I'd say that the goal would be, as you continue to listen and learn more about people's businesses, the goal would be to eventually foster those relationships with people who, even if you know they're not necessarily someone who you're going to need to grow your business. Just having someone in your life who you can go to for anything, like just to talk to or, you know, to lean on in a. Whatever it may be, I think is just really important to have. Have someone around you who is. Is willing to listen to you because you went into that relationship with the same mentality. [01:00:19] Speaker A: How do you maintain a collaborative mindset rather than viewing other designers specifically as competitors? I have this podcast and have built Design Camp and have built Ideas Studio on the belief that, like, there's enough work for everybody. But I know it's also a lot easier to say that as someone who's not taking interior design clients and that it can be scary to befriend a local designer that either you really look up to admire or is getting killer projects and you feel like you have to safeguard your information, your sources is your. Your just mental capacity from them? How. How do you so naturally avoid that fear of competition and realize that it's just going to make you stronger? [01:01:10] Speaker B: I agree with you. I think that there is definitely enough opportunity for all of us to not have to feel that way in the. In this industry. And so I love that you. That you think that way as well. And. And I go into it thinking that, you know, even if this person might be my competitor, like you mentioned, I am really great friends with lots of designers in Austin. And I never look at them and feel like, oh, like, they're better, they're getting better projects, or they're my competition, they might take a project from me. Or I. I just don't think about it that way because I don't want them to be looking at me and feeling that way. So I just would never treat them that way because I don't want them to treat me that way. And also, if I genuinely want to be friends with someone, which is most people in my life, I like to be friends with everyone. I want it to just be very genuine and real and supportive and never coming from a place where there's any of that unsaid stuff happening in your relationship. And even at our design firm, I have that, too. When something is hard or uncomfortable, and it has been like, we have to go there together as a team. Right? Like, and it's up to me to set the tone for that, that this elephant is not going to be in our office. We are going to talk about this, and it's going to be out there, and that's okay. Like, we can go through difficult things together. And looking at a designer who might be your competition could definitely feel uncomfortable. And I get that. I think. Think it's. It's about giving yourself the space to realize that, yes, I could feel that way about it. And maybe they're feeling that way about this friendship with me, and I'm going to do everything I can to not. Not let it feel that way. And maybe we talk about that, right? Like, maybe that can be out there. We can talk about things as adults. And I think that, you know, like, I mentioned that candor that we have with our clients. I just. I just feel like it's really valuable and empowering to be able to. To say things and put them out there so that they're not just lingering. [01:03:10] Speaker A: Yeah. Can. Can you walk us through a few tips that you have put into place to make those initial connections? Like, you reached out to me, I believe is on Instagram, you might have sent me an email. But, like, what were some of those steps when it was essentially a pretty cold call to someone that you were looking to network with, looking to build a relationship with? How do you get to that first? Hello? [01:03:36] Speaker B: Instagram definitely is such a great way to network and meet people and, you know, just forming a relationship through DM and then simply just asking. And like you mentioned earlier, people asking you to coffee or lunch all the time. Maybe it's not a meal, maybe it's a quick phone call or. You know, I. Yesterday I was in the office and someone popped by because they wanted to meet us, and I was like, of course we'll be in. We're in the office all day, every Tuesday. Like, feel free to come by. I would love to meet you. So, you know, if it's. If. If it's not something that needs to be, like, it doesn't always need to be this grand gesture where you're feeling like you're putting a lot of pressure on it. It can be. It can be whatever you want it to be. And so I think that being flexible, again, in your approach and, and reading the situation in the room and also being really respectful of people's time and knowing that that's really valuable. And maybe someone doesn't have time, or maybe they're not an extrovert and they don't want to go to lunch with a stranger. So maybe you hop on the phone or maybe you send them a voice memo, because that's a little more personal than sending them, you know, a text, if you will. So I think just navigating, but just not. Not being afraid and. And going into it with an open mind. That again, back to my grandmother. You have nothing to lose. Right. Like, don't you. You don't just sit there and regret not trying. At least you can try. And I personally would rather know that I try. [01:04:53] Speaker A: Do. Do you have, like, a subconscious limit to how many times you would reach out to someone and be ghosted before you were like, got it. They are not looking to. To chat with me. [01:05:06] Speaker B: That's funny. We have the same with our clients. Yes. Some of them will just ghost us and we'll be like, hey, just checking in, you know, or after we have a discovery phone call with someone, I will feel like, oh, my gosh, this is my new best Friend, I, I love them and we're definitely going to work together and then I never hear from them again. And you're like, what on earth? So three is our typical limit, if you will. Like, our new business team is following up with people after our discovery phone calls, immediately when we get off of the phone, and then again a week later if we haven't heard back. So we have a set number of touch points and cadence for how we go about sending those and with our clients too. And I think it would be the same for me if I were going into foraging a new relationship with somebody, someone. If I had reached out three times and they hadn't responded, I would probably move on. [01:05:50] Speaker A: You get the hint. Okay, that is super helpful. Well, Audrey, thank you so much for your time. It's an incredible privilege to watch your business thrive and see you shine and just make Austin a more beautiful place to live. I'm so grateful to have you on the show and I'm just even more grateful to have you as a friend. [01:06:09] Speaker B: The feeling is mutual and I truly would not be where I'm at without Design Camp and Austin of your support and your teams at IDCO and Quinn. So thank you. [01:06:19] Speaker A: You're so sweet. Thank you for, for the unprompted name drops. I appreciate that. Well, I'll probably talk to you in five minutes. Have a half a great day and thanks so much for being on the show. [01:06:30] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:06:35] Speaker A: For more in depth analysis of this interview, including exclusive downloads, examples, samples and more. Don't forget to subscribe to the Interior Collective on Patreon. We are building an amazing private community of interior designers and industry experts open to candid conversations and answering questions. Join us on Patreon in the show notes or at forward/the interior collective. Thank you so, so much for tuning into this episode. Producing this show has truly been the honor of my career and I cannot believe I get to have these conversations. The biggest thank you to you our listeners. Your sweet notes, DMs and reviews mean so much to us as we work to keep our show free and always accessible. Until next time, I'm Anastasia Casey and this is the Interior Collective, a podcast for the business of beautiful living.

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